The Intersection of Computational Math and Industry


Please find my talk here and the CME500 website here.


In this talk, Danielle will discuss the importance niche of computational mathematics within industry, and discuss the core ICME skill-set in her work that is critical in devising novel and robust algorithms and implementing them within a production system from her work in time series forecasting at Amazon.


Danielle (Maddix) Robinson is a past ICME PhD alum, who is now a Senior Applied Scientist in Machine Learning Forecasting Group within AWS AI Labs. In her PhD, she worked with Professor Margot Gerritsen on devising robust numerical methods to remove spurious temporal oscillations in the degenerate Porous Medium Equation. She is passionate about the underlying numerical analysis, linear algebra and optimization methods behind numerical PDEs and applying these techniques to deep learning. She joined AWS in 2018 shortly after graduating, and has been worked on statistical and deep learning models for time series forecasting, including combining physics-based approaches in the underlying ODEs and PDEs to model the dynamics with machine learning techniques.